domingo, 24 de enero de 2016

How to get fit after Christmas

When you think about getting fit after Chrismast our first idea is go to a gym or to dont eat. Obviusly you can go to a gym but if u cant afford it you can also train in your house.You can do all of this exercises in the order you want

¿What do you need?
For train in the house you dont need much things, just the only thing u need is a big room for dont break anything, any room where you can lie down. Also you are going to need a little pad for be confortable, in all the exercises i'm going to mention you dont need anything but also you can buy a running machine or something that helps you to get fit.

¿How many time do i need to train?
For get fit and dont have any problems, you need to train minimum 3 times a week, with 1 hour per time. Also you need to be constant for get a nice train

¿How do i need to train?
Before starting the training  it's necesary to warm up you can do it just running 5 minutes.
Now im going to show you what exercises you need to do every time. From exercise to exercise you have to rest maximum 5 minutes. Also with each exercise i'm gonna show you a video where you can see how to do it.

-Squads (3 series/10 repetitions)
You need to stand up with your feets in the same line that your shoulders and start to lower your hip like if you were sitting on a chair. Also you can put a chair behind you but you cant hit it just use it as a mark.

-Pushups (3 series/12 repetitions)
You need to lie down and put your hand in the same line than your shoulders. Now you need to put your feets together and go up and down without touching the floor. Also if you are not able to do this you can do the same but putting your knees on the floor.

-Abdominals(2 series/20 repetitions)
All of us have done some abdominals anytime but if you didnt i'm going to tell you how to do it, first lie down face up and put your hand behind your head, rise your knees and mimic the movement of a bicycle with your legs. Touch your right knee with your left elbow and your left elbow with your right knee.

After doing all the exercise, is recomended to stretch. You are going to cooldown and your going to avoid injuries.

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